Are you eagerly awaiting signs of pregnancy? Whether you’ve been actively trying to conceive or simply curious about potential early indicators, recognizing these subtle signals amidst the noise of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be challenging. However, there are several telltale signs that may hint at the beginning of a remarkable journey. Let’s explore five of the earliest signs of pregnancy to help you navigate this exciting chapter. Reas also “Exploring Types of IUD Birth Control: Insights from Houston OBGYN Experts at Plaza OBGYN“.


Fatigue can be hard to spot as an early sign of pregnancy. Everybody’s energy levels fluctuate at different points of the menstrual cycle, and so it’s more than likely you would put any changes down to PMS. However, excessive tiredness in early pregnancy is something that almost all expectant mums will experience due to the enormous changes your body goes through.

Sore Breasts

It only takes a week or two after conception before you may experience some tenderness in your breasts. The culprit is the increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body. While it’s common to experience some soreness with PMS, if you are pregnant, your breasts will be much more sensitive than usual. Not everyone will experience this so early on, but if you do, it’s a possible sign you are expecting. Read also “Why Prenatal Vitamins are Essential to a Healthy Pregnancy“.

Light Bleeding

When the fertilized egg implants into the wall of the uterus, it is common to experience some light vaginal bleeding. You may confuse this as your regular period, but, often, it will be out of sync and much less intense. This bleeding is entirely harmless, but if you already suspect you are pregnant and have any worries, speak to your GP to put your mind at ease.


Unfortunately, headaches can crop up for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with getting pregnant. Even so, they are a common sign of early pregnancy. When you conceive, the volume of blood in your body increases at an astounding rate, which can bring on frequent, but usually mild, headaches.


Most expectant mothers will get morning sickness at some point during their pregnancy. However, nausea experienced in the early weeks tends to be a lot more subtle. This feeling of unwellness often manifests itself as motion sickness, even in those who have never suffered before. If you notice a sudden change in how you cope with flights or reading in the car, it may be a positive sign.

Unfortunately, many of the initial symptoms are similar to what you may experience with PMS, so don’t reach for the pregnancy test just yet! The trick is to look for anything outside your normal range, as this could be a sign of success. Keep an eye on your symptoms as time goes on, and if things become more apparent, then you could soon be celebrating! (Perhaps you might also find it interesting to read about the How to Find the Best OB-GYN)


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