When it comes to contraception, the options are vast and varied, ranging from the straightforward to the downright hilarious. At Plaza OBGYN in Houston, where we specialize in comprehensive family planning and birth control services, we believe in informing our patients about all methods, even the unconventional ones that bring a smile to your face.

  1. The Spongebob Squarepants Method

No, this isn’t about cartoons. Some have jokingly suggested that wearing a sponge on one’s head during intimate moments might serve as a form of contraception. However, we strongly advise against it for obvious reasons!

  1. The Cold Shower Strategy

Rumored to dampen enthusiasm in the heat of the moment, proponents of this method suggest that a cold shower at just the right time can be a mood killer. While it might be refreshing, we recommend relying on more reliable methods like condoms or birth control pills provided at Birth Control Houston.

  1. The Garlic Necklace

Garlic is known for its many health benefits, but wearing it as a necklace to ward off not just vampires but also potential suitors is a novel idea. While it might keep others at bay, it won’t prevent pregnancy. For effective contraception, consider visiting Plaza OBGYN for professional advice and options.

  1. The “Just Stand Up” Approach

This technique involves encouraging your partner to stand up immediately after intercourse and even jump up and down a few times to help gravity do its work. While this might elicit a laugh, it won’t prevent pregnancy. For reliable birth control methods, consult with our experts at Family Planning Houston.

  1. The Starfish Pose

Some suggest that lying perfectly still in the shape of a starfish after intercourse might minimize the chances of conception. However, rest assured that this is more of a myth than a method. For real contraception solutions tailored to your needs, Plaza OBGYN offers a range of options, from intrauterine devices to hormonal implants.

Expert Advice and Reliable Methods

At Plaza OBGYN in Houston, we understand that contraception is a serious matter. While exploring the lighter side of birth control can be amusing, we prioritize your health and well-being with evidence-based, effective contraception options. Whether you’re considering pills, patches, or long-acting reversible contraceptives, our knowledgeable team at Family Planning Houston is here to provide guidance and support.


While the world of contraception may include some humorous myths and urban legends, Plaza OBGYN in Houston is dedicated to offering reliable, effective birth control solutions. Visit us today to discuss your options and discover the best contraception method suited to your lifestyle and health needs.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Plaza OBGYN at contact information.


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